Creating Space for Men

Nov 04, 2024


As 2024 draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on what has been one of the most emotionally turbulent years of my life. I’ve navigated dark nights of the soul, peaks of purpose, and valleys of doubt before, but this year was different. The loss of my father last year brought with it waves of grief that I hadn’t anticipated, and as I processed his absence, a deeper question began to emerge: “What am I going to bring to the world and do I even belong here?”

This question has echoed within me since I left the corporate world two years ago, fueling an ongoing exploration of my purpose. I tried different ventures—some moderately successful—but I still felt as though something essential was missing. In July and August, it all came to a head. I call these months my “blue screen” moments, like when a computer crashes and freezes. I felt lost, unsure of what to do next, and the world around me seemed confusing, meaningless, and hollow.

One day, in the midst of this inner turmoil, I went for a hike with a friend. As we walked, he asked me the simple question, “Mish, how is it going?” I found myself opening up, sharing how close I was to giving up. I was at a crossroads, without clarity or direction. I had hit a wall and couldn’t see a way forward. I was seeing huge results in the clients that I was working with and supporting, so that wasn´t the problem, it was more connecting to a purpose and a vision of what was next for me. 

Then, as I turned the conversation toward him, he began telling me about the work he was doing in his coaching business, specifically with men. He described his recent men’s retreat and the transformations he was witnessing—men stepping up, taking responsibility, and showing up authentically for themselves, their families, and their communities. He explained that he uses the archetype of the “king” to help men understand what it means to be a leader in their lives.

But his definition of a “king” wasn’t what we often see in modern portrayals of royalty. He wasn’t referring to the image of a king as someone who accumulates wealth or power and does little for those around him. In his view, a true king is someone who serves and supports. A king looks after himself, taking responsibility for his own well-being, and from there, he serves his community and family with integrity and compassion. The concept resonated with me deeply, and I felt something within me shift.

After our hike, we returned to my place, said our goodbyes, and I went inside. As I sat alone for a moment, I felt a strange sensation in my heart—a warmth, a release. Suddenly, without warning, I burst into tears. This wasn’t a quiet, tear-down-the-cheek kind of cry. It was a full-on meltdown, an hour and a half of sobbing that seemed to come from the depths of my soul. It was as if years of unexpressed pain, fear, and hope all converged in that moment coming out through the streams of tears running down my face.

I realized I was crying not only because of sadness and grief but also because of joy and relief. Sadness for the years I had spent feeling unsafe and unwelcomed in a world dominated by masculine energy that I had always viewed with fear. Always feeling like there was something out to get me and waiting for the next bad thing to happen.

But there was joy and relief, too—joy in the realization that men were ready to do the deep work of healing. A strange kind of relief like the "battle" was over and it was now time for the healing to truly begin.

For so long, I had doubted whether the masculine was willing or able to step up and embrace the responsibility everyone now faced of doing the work to address the shadows within. And yet, here was my friend, telling me about men taking ownership, showing vulnerability, and breaking free from the patterns society has long imposed upon them too.

As I sat there, exhausted from the release, I began to ask myself what this all meant. Why was I crying? What was the significance of this moment? Slowly, a voice came through, one that I believe was my spirit guiding me. I felt a clear and powerful call: I wanted to be part of this transformation of masculine energy. I wanted to create a path to self-healing, emotional mastery, and empowered living in a way that enables men and everyone around them.

But the question lingered—who am I, a woman, to lead men on this journey? The answer, I realized, lay in the role I could play, not as someone telling men “how to be men,” but as someone offering tools to help them go within and connect with their hearts. My purpose wasn’t to redefine masculinity but to help men break down the walls that prevent them from opening up, from being vulnerable, from connecting with their inner self.

I began speaking with men in my life, asking them about their experiences with shadow work, men’s work, and traditional men’s circles. Some responses were surprise for me, yet validating. One man told me that his men’s group felt broken, and he didn’t know how to help the members reconnect. Another said he avoided men’s circles because they often turned into spaces where men would try to “out-man” each other instead of fostering genuine connection and emotional processing. Yet another man shared that he longed for a safe place where he could cry—a space where he could be vulnerable without feeling judged or needing to “man up.”

These conversations were the confirmation I needed. The universe was sending me signs that this was the right path. I began sitting in daily meditation, asking for guidance on what to create.

And over time, a vision began to emerge. That vision became a program I call "Kings of Compassion".

Kings of Compassion is a 12-week journey designed to help men break through the fears that hold them back—the fear of judgment, the fear of intimacy, the fear of losing control, the fear of vulnerability. This program will provide men with the tools to process their emotions, communicate authentically, and reconnect with themselves in ways that allow them to show up powerfully and compassionately in their relationships, their families, and their communities.

This journey isn’t just about individual transformation; it’s about creating a ripple effect that reaches families, communities, and ultimately, the world. I would be honored for you to join me one of my many events I will be hosting, and if this resonates, please feel free to share this message with anyone you think could benefit.

Here’s to a new paradigm of strength, compassion, and connection, for all.




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