How I moved from wanting to break the bank to compassion

Nov 15, 2023


I so often talk about the difference between consciously creating and unconsciously creating. It can be the difference between creating chaos in your life or magic. 

Unconscious focus is where you are running on autopilot and not really actively playing a part in what you are creating. You are essentially focusing on suggestions that have been given to you through programmes when you were little or through experiencing events and making a decision based on the outcome of those events. Sometimes those events are positive. Sometimes those events are negative and it´s the negative ones that are what keep you stuck and looping in old programmes. An example of this might be believing that you are not good enough. This is a programme and so if you keep believing this, you keep creating that. 

Conscious focus is when you are actively creating your world through intentions and the beginning of Conscious Focus is getting connected to your “Why”. Why do you want to focus on something, ultimately creating it? 

One of the big why´s around becoming more conscious when you create is because it allows you to make a different choice. When you make a different choice, it allows you to create a different outcome. Note that it all starts with you. 

I was faced with one of these situations this morning when I received an email from the bank. Let me first start off by saying that dealing with institutions such as banks, government anything or legal bodies I find incredibly difficult. I can wholeheartedly say I have never had a good experience with these institutions and I find their rigidity hard to deal with. I feel my body tense up and me get in a bad mood when I have to engage in any sort of interaction with these types of institutions. 

Right now however, I am being faced with having to open up a new business bank account. So I did my research and opted for an online bank so that I can hopefully get things done quicker and have the ability to speak to people on the phone. I completed my application that turned out to be quite simple, which I was surprised about. I thought to myself, agh, finally banks have changed and moving into the 21st century! This is promising to be a good start. 

As the application process progressed I got asked all sorts of questions about the products and services that I intend to offer. One of the things I teach folks who work with me is the power of Quality Questions. The quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions you ask yourself. I spend a lot of time on this because it can literally be the alchemical tool to change your life. 

On the 3rd email round of questions (so much for being a swift process) I receive a humdinger of a question from the representative I am dealing with. I get asked the question “Please could you confirm what countries in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) you expect to receive customers in?”. 

When I first read the question I was quite confused and then I felt the old programmes inside me well up and quickly started to feel all the dense feelings I have towards these types of institutions. I´m more than happy to answer all the questions from the bank, but my expectation is that they be relevant to opening my account and the application process as well as be based on pure common sense. 

As I write this now I can feel my body tense up with annoyance and anger and watch my thoughts run down this familiar track of…

“All people in banks are absolutely stupid. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a country in itself and does contain countries within it” 

“Do I actually want to bank with people who are not aware that the question they are asking is unanswerable?” - 

“How can someone be so silly?”

“This is a colossal waste of time”.

So here's where the choice point comes in because I need to go ahead and answer this person who has sent me unanswerable questions so that I can proceed with this application. 

In the past, I would have followed my previous pattern of totally annihilating this person because they were not aware that the UAE is a country in itself and also did not contain countries within it, although it is a viable possibility. Because of my previous experiences with these sorts of institutions, thinking that they love to waste time, the underlying programme created this situation.

The quality question for me now becomes, “How am I going to respond?”. Am I going to insult this person, highlighting the mistake and really twisting the blade in so she could feel inadequate just because she made a slight error? Or, am I going to make a conscious choice to dissolve this habit by changing how I respond? What would you choose?

Now here's the real kicker, it's really all about vibration and knowing that what is in front of me is always for me, serving me in some way. This was a great opportunity for me to clear that programme that I have around working with these institutions for many great reasons. 

  1. Once that energy is cleared around the belief that people who work there are all stupid, I will not encounter these sorts of situations again. This is because I would not attract that energy into my life because there is a mismatch in frequency. 
  2. By clearing this programme, I would move my emotions around the situation from one of anger and annoyance to one of calm and compassion. Everyone can make mistakes and perhaps she is just doing what she is told. I´ve made this exact mistake myself. By resonating in a compassionate way, the whole way forward changes.
  3. As the situation presents itself, by making a conscious decision to respond in a different way, I am totally putting a stop to the momentum of the underlying belief thereby ensuring that the energy I am putting out is not one of anger, but of compassion. By gently highlighting the error, the person receiving the email does not feel unworthy. So I´m operating from a place of “The highest benefit of all”. 

I have yet to receive a response from the bank on my application. Perhaps this will be the next blog installment. Nonetheless, my invitation to you is to try to do the same when you experience a situation where you can consciously change how you are creating. 



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