The Power of Taking Your Space
Apr 08, 2024
Last Friday night, I was invited to a gig by a young Dutch artist here in Ibiza. Her music is incredible, with really meaningful lyrics. She has over 12 million streams on Spotify, a testament to her talent. However, on this particular evening, something was amiss. As she began to perform, it was evident that her confidence had wavered, and this vulnerability echoed through the crowd. As her performance progressed, the initial attentiveness of the audience dissolved into a sea of murmurs and disconnected conversations.
At the end of the evening, I had a chance to chat with her one-on-one, and I asked her, “how did you experience that?”. She admitted to feeling invisible, lost between the choice of playing her own music or resorting to covers to engage the audience—a decision that, in itself, highlighted her insecurity. She also said that she had a feeling that this gig would not turn out well and that she didn´t listen to that voice within her and still decided to play! She said she was upset that she had not listened to that inner voice and regretted playing that night. This moment was a stark reminder of the importance of self-assurance and the power of presence.For me, it brought to mind the actions of renowned artists like well known country singer Jamey Johnson, who once walked off stage in self-respect when he felt the audience was not engaging with his performance in his closing song. He even invites fans to come and speak to him directly if they thought he was wrong walking off stage. See video here. Such a bold move underscores the necessity of demanding respect for one’s talents and passions.
This incident is not just about a performance gone awry but a lesson on the significance of "taking your space." It's a concept that extends beyond the realm of music and into every aspect of our lives. The energy we exude sets the tone for how we are received by the world. If we approach our endeavours with hesitance, we invite indifference. Conversely, stepping into our roles with confidence and ownership commands attention and respect.
It also highlights the importance of listening to that inner voice that is within each one of us. That intuition that is constantly guiding us, but that we so often don´t listen to.
But when we do listen to that inner voice, it can be so gratifying! Recently, I was cleaning up apps on my phone and nearly deleted a recording app that I thought was a duplicate. That small voice urged caution, so I listen and opted not to delete it at that moment. Phew! Heeding this intuition proved fortuitous when I later discovered that the file I had recorded in the app was a valuable client testimonial that had taken a lot of coordination and effort to record. I would have been so mad at myself if I had deleted it. This experience reaffirmed the importance of listening to our inner guidance, a crucial ally in navigating life's myriad decisions.
The message here is universal. Whether you are an artist facing an audience, a professional contributing in the boardroom, a parent at home with your children, or really anyone with a point of view, it's imperative to claim your space. Doing so is not an act of arrogance but a declaration of your worth and contribution. It’s about stepping into your truth and sharing it with the world, unapologetically.
Let this be an invitation to all: to take your space with grace and confidence, to listen to intuition, and to approach each moment with the fullness of your being. In doing so, we not only enrich our own lives but also inspire those around us to embrace their own spaces with equal fervor.
Not sure where to get started? My partner Erika and I have co-designed a powerful container called DoubleDetox to help you move out of victimhood consciousness by becoming the director of your own life. Our next cohort kicks off on 25 April, and I’d love to see you there, stepping into your own space. Learn more and register here.
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