Your Clearing Journey

The 7 Circle Clearing Process

Release, Renew & Radiate

Dissolving Barriers & Amplifying Authenticity
So That You Can See Real Change In Your Life


How to change your focus & move to a higher 
frequency avoiding facing the same challenges


Do you feel like there are still areas of your life that just won't come into balance or harmony and you´ve tried pretty much everything?

Maybe you´re feeling stuck in the areas of health, relationships, financial life, your purpose alignment, and feeling lost?

Does this give you anxiety or leave you feeling nervous and uncertain about the future?

Have you had moments where you started to think, things will never change for me, where you thought you might be trapped in struggle and disappointment forever? 

What if I told you that there's a process that can help you unstick these often hidden blocks causing limitation and suffering? These blocks trap us in financial scarcity, separates us from our purpose, disempowers us, and causes endless pain and chaos

What if I were to tell you that these blocks are not only extremely common but also easier than you might think to clear and get rid of them once you're aware of them? 


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What's the 7 Circle Clearing Process?

The 7 Circle Clearing Process is a simple process that helps clear density in your energy field that is currently holding you back from accessing that true inner version of yourself. 

This process is designed to illuminate key areas of your life, impacting your overall well-being and happiness

Then, By using thought-provoking quality questions, you´ll uncover the truth about your reality, belief systems and programmes in the areas of relationships, finances, physical well-being, food, time, the mind and self-worth.

This process isn't about self judgement or competition but an opportunity to go inside and uncover your present state so you can identify areas that require your initial focusallowing you to create the changes you want to see with precision

The Intention of this process is to understand the energetic set points of each of the different life aspects. When you have a clear understanding of this, then you can make really powerful changes in any areas that require it. 


Here´s how it works

What's the 7 Circle Clearing Process?

The 7 Circle Clearing Process is a simple process that helps clear density in your energy field that is currently holding you back from accessing that true inner version of yourself. 

This process is designed to illuminate key areas of your life, impacting your overall well-being and happiness

Then, By using thought-provoking quality questions, you´ll uncover the truth about your reality, belief systems and programmes in the areas of relationships, finances, physical well-being, food, time, the mind and self-worth.

This process isn't about self judgement or competition but an opportunity to go inside and uncover your present state so you can identify areas that require your initial focusallowing you to create the changes you want to see with precision

The Intention of this process is to understand the energetic set points of each of the different life aspects. When you have a clear understanding of this, then you can make really powerful changes in any areas that require it. 


Here´s how it works

- Over 3 hours of Guided Video & Audio Content

- Uncovering areas of focus through Reflective Quality Questions

Understanding how Compassion works to clear dense energies

- Full 2 Hour Deep Clearing as well as 7 bite sized clearings providing flexibility with time management

- Guided Grounding & Connecting Meditation creating a safe connection to your Higher Self

- Deep Integration Video solidifying the new energetic set point manifesting real outer world changes

PRICE: $47

Uncovering the Truth Video

  • A video designed to uncover areas of that require focus.
  • 30 - 90 Minute reflection process precisely identifying the most dense blocks.
  • Instant realizations achieved through Guided reflections


PRICE:  $27
INCLUDED with your order

Expertly Curated 60 Minute Playlist

  • High Vibrational music creating optimal setting for reflecting.
  • High frequency tracks assisting you to go deeper
  • Allowing you to access the true inner intelligence


PRICE:  $7
INCLUDED with your order

Hours of Clearing & Integration Videos

  • 3 hours of Guided clearing videos facilitating deep energetic clearings
  • Option to dive into 2 hour full clear or complete in phases of each separate area
  • Guided meditation connecting to Higher Self & Integration Video to solidify changes

    INCLUDED with your order

Instant Access to Secure Platform 
content access

  • Secure access through your own profile so that you can safely access the content
  • Compatible with any mobile or desktop device
  • All you need is wifi access

    PRICE:  $16
    INCLUDED with your order

Backed by a 14 day money back guarantee


Read the all content directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start implementing right away.

Uncovering the Truth Video

- A video designed to uncover areas of that require focus.

- 30 - 90 Minute reflection process precisely identifying the most dense blocks.

- Instant realizations achieved through Guided reflections

PRICE:  $27
INCLUDED with your order

Expertly Curated 60 Minute Playlist

- High Vibrational music creating optimal setting for reflecting.

- High frequency tracks assisting you to go deeper

- Allowing you to access the true inner intelligence

PRICE:  $7
INCLUDED with your order


Hours of Clearing & Integration Videos


- 3 hours of Guided clearing videos facilitating deep energetic clearings

- Option to dive into 2 hour full clear or complete in phases of each separate area

- Guided meditation connecting to Higher Self & Integration Video to solidify changes

INCLUDED with your order


Instant Access to Secure Platform 
content access

- Secure access through your own profile so that you can safely access the content

- Compatible with any mobile or desktop device

- All you need is wifi access

PRICE:  $16
INCLUDED with your order


Read the book directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start implementing right away.

Backed by a 14 day money back guarantee


No More:

  ❌ Feeling stuck
  ❌ Struggle
  ❌ Fear of Failure  
  ❌ Outdated belief systems
  ❌ Negative Mindset  
  ❌ Victimhood 
  ❌ Groundhog day 
  ❌ Recurring challenges 
  ❌ Anxiety 
  ❌ Self Judgment


Instead You'll Get:

 ✅ New High Frequency & Energetic Set point
 ✅ Lighter feeling in your body and mind
 ✅ Weight off your Soul
 ✅ Expansion of your consciousness
 ✅ Abundance mindset
 ✅ No negative self talk or confusing, noisy voices in your head
 ✅ Courage to do hard things
 ✅ Life of synchronicity and flow
 ✅ Enhanced life experiences in areas that we out of balance
During this Process, I’ll share with you how you can clear dense energies in your field so they no longer negatively influence what you attract into your life so that you can manifest what you truly desire

- If you’re looking to create a new reality in your life… 
- If you’re struggling to be motivated and seeking real change … 
- If you’re battling the same challenges, just with different people … 
- Or if you know deep down that you deserve more than what you are currently attracting into your life

👉 YES! I´d like access to REAL CHANGE >>>

The 7 Circle Clearing Process Is 
About Clearing Densities to Make Real Change


I've worked with many Changemakers, those people who know there's more to life than what they´re currently being told, just like you, and I've seen the awful negative impacts these invisible blocks create countless times. 

Pretty much everyone on this planet carries blocks called karmic imprints, which are stored in your energetic field. These imprints stem from all the horrific past traumas taken place in one's life, or previous lifetimes and they remain in one ́s energetic field as a density until the density is cleared.

These traumas have been imprinted on our souls, as well as into the collective consciousness. Majority of us have suffered different sorts of traumas resulting in these dense energies becoming the driving force in our lives and keeping our vibration low. Like believing we are not good enough, or have too much fear to make a big life change, or believe we don´t deserve to live our best life and have all areas fully satisfied.

This leads to staying stuck and not experiencing full joy or happiness and holding ourselves back. 

The truth is that there´s profound yet subtle shift taking place in the world and it´s taking place in the silence of many people´s hearts. We are all waking up and realising that our focus creates our reality and we have many more options available to us than we think. 

The good news is I've helped many Changemakers just like you clear these imprints. What I´ve witnessed is when we clear these imprints, very often major transformations, sometimes even miracles occur in changemakers' financial lives, physical health, relationships, and of course their alignment with their true purpose.

I usually do this through my 121 private sessions but I wanted to create more change and help more people and so I thought to myself, "What if I created a short process where people could experience big shifts and clear densities in their own time?"

"What if I made this short process more accessible to people at a price that was affordable so they could start experiencing a new reality."

That´s what the 7 Circle Clearing Process is all about. 

It´s an opportunity to start your journey of clearing your energetic field of densities so that there´s no longer an invisible force driving your life into the same challenges and struggles that you´ve been experiencing your whole life.

It´s an opportunity to attract new things into your life in the areas that have been out of whack for such a long time that you are desperate for a change. 

And the great thing about the 7 Circle Clearing Process is that the changes take place on the karmic level, which is the deepest layer of where the energy can sit. So once that aspect is cleared and integrated, related challenges no longer occur because your whole energetic set point has changed and you're unable to attract those challenges into your life again. 

This is finally your opportunity for lasting change and it´s never been easier to take action now.

The 7 Circle Clearing Process Is About Clearing Densities to Make Real Change

I've worked with many Changemakers, those people who know there's more to life than what they´re currently being told, just like you, and I've seen the awful negative impacts these invisible blocks create countless times. 

Pretty much everyone on this planet carries blocks called karmic imprints, which are stored in your energetic field. These imprints stem from all the horrific past traumas taken place in one's life, or previous lifetimes and they remain in one ́s energetic field as a density until the density is cleared.

These traumas have been imprinted on our souls, as well as into the collective consciousness. Majority of us have suffered different sorts of traumas resulting in these dense energies becoming the driving force in our lives and keeping our vibration low. Like believing we are not good enough, or have too much fear to make a big life change, or believe we don´t deserve to live our best life and have all areas fully satisfied.

This leads to staying stuck and not experiencing full joy or happiness and holding ourselves back. 

The truth is that there´s profound yet subtle shift taking place in the world and it´s taking place in the silence of many people´s hearts. We are all waking up and realising that our focus creates our reality and we have many more options available to us than we think. 

The good news is I've helped many Changemakers just like you clear these imprints. What I´ve witnessed is when we clear these imprints, very often major transformations, sometimes even miracles occur in changemakers' financial lives, physical health, relationships, and of course their alignment with their true purpose.

I usually do this through my 121 private sessions but I wanted to create more change and help more people and so I thought to myself, "What if I created a short process where people could experience big shifts and clear densities in their own time?"

"What if I made this short process more accessible to people at a price that was affordable so they could start experiencing a new reality."

That´s what the 7 Circle Clearing Process is all about. 

It´s an opportunity to start your journey of clearing your energetic field of densities so that there´s no longer an invisible force driving your life into the same challenges and struggles that you´ve been experiencing your whole life.

It´s an opportunity to attract new things into your life in the areas that have been out of whack for such a long time that you are desperate for a change. 

And the great thing about the 7 Circle Clearing Process is that the changes take place on the karmic level, which is the deepest layer of where the energy can sit. So once that aspect is cleared and integrated, related challenges no longer occur because your whole energetic set point has changed and you're unable to attract those challenges into your life again. 

This is finally your opportunity for lasting change and it´s never been easier to take action now.

Frequently Asked Questions



We can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction with our training, providing you can show that you have watched, read and applied all available resources. We give you a 14 days to complete everything, so if you are still not happy, just email us through our contact form. All products and services are for educational and informational purposes only. 

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