What is your
Next Best Step in making the change?
Listen to real life testimonials
to inspire you to take the leap of faith

Q: What was it that inspired you to choose me as your coach?
Gut instinct - I just felt that you would be someone I could listen to and learn from. Even though we didn’t know each other really well, I always admired your confidence, kindness and sense of humour and felt you were someone I could trust.
Q:What challenges in your life did you want my help addressing?
Overall, I wanted to get back in flow and feel good about myself and the work I was doing. I was tired and wanted to let go of old negative habits, limiting beliefs and thought patterns and replace them with positive behaviour, thoughts and beliefs.
I definitely feel much more in flow now, more confident and on top of my worklife. My energy levels are back up and I feel much more motivated that I will achieve my goals. Mish has helped me kick the fear into touch.
Q: What have been some of the most helpful tools you have learnt during the programme?
Visualising - to help me see and feel the outcomes of what I am trying to create.
The 4 Agreements - to be impeccable with my words, both in what I say to others and say to myself.
The Drama Triangle and the Scale of Consciousness - have helped me to look at difficult situations or conversations differently and deal with them by raising my vibration level.
Q: Would you say the tools could be applied immediately & how often do you use them?
Yes, each week I was able to apply what I learnt to situations that cropped up. So definitely applicable to my actual life - I didn’t have to search for ways to apply them. Now I pretty much use them daily.
Q:What was the biggest change you saw in your life as a result of applying the tools you learnt in the coaching?
Feeling confident to start conversations with a few of my clients on subjects that I would previously have found difficult and therefore put off. But thanks to my new mindset and approach, the conversations went smoothly and the outcome was as I had hoped and sometimes even better.
Q: How did you experience the weekly exercises you were given?
On the most part, great and I was happy to try them out and implement. A couple were out of my comfort zone and I am still working on them.
Q:What was the weekly time commitment like? Did you feel you had enough time to complete things? Did you feel like you had too little time to complete exercises?
My workload is always full so the weekly commitment forced me to make time to fit them in - but it was worth it for the results gained.
Q: How would you rate the depth of the relationship with yourself post programme?
10/10 - I feel more connected and am definitely being kinder to myself and more forgiving. I treat myself and talk to myself as I would a family member or friend.
Q: Has the way you make decisions in your life changed since going through the programme and if so, what would you say were the biggest changes?
I feel I am in a better position now around my work-life balance in that I am working towards managing my workload during the week only and to keep the weekends for myself and my family.
Q:What´s been the coolest part of this programme?
Learning and implementing every step of the programme. I have often put things off but not this time and I was rewarded with amazing outcomes each time.
Q:What was the biggest challenge going through the programme?
I thought it would be opening up and sharing but Mish made me feel at ease and able to do so. One of the personal activities was so out of my comfort zone that I just didn’t feel it at all - some work to do there still!
Q:Would you recommend working with an energy coach like Mish?
I would 100% recommend working with Mish - it has been amazing so far and I will continue to work with her because of the results. In just a couple of months, Mish has really boosted my confidence and positive mindset, exactly what I needed. I have some big projects coming up in which I want to be on top form for, so I’m excited to continue my work with Mish to help me show up as the best “me”.
What other clients have to say about working with Mish

Paul Hughes
“The tools that you have given me throughout this process are practical tools. I applied them to work & home situations & I got better outcomes. Simple as that.”

Jack Fellows
“A lot of things have changed in my life and Mish was a big part of getting through that change making sure it was something positive and beneficial."
I would 100% recommend working with Mish - it has been amazing so far and I will continue to work with her because of the results. In just a couple of months, Mish has really boosted my confidence and positive mindset, exactly what I needed. I have some big projects coming up in which I want to be on top form for, so I’m excited to continue my work with Mish to help me show up as the best “me”.

Alison Shadrack
Founder of Adia PR

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